With PSweb, the author of a report can view records and sign documents through a simplified process with the use of a web browser. One can straightforwardly consult a file to review a patient’s medical history or lab tests results or add a digital signature to reports that were produced with a voice-recognition system.
Enjoy the benefits of PSweb, the Postscript suite’s masterwork:
- Provides the highest security standards for web applications by using SSL encryption and an automatic logoff feature for inactive sessions.
- Synchronizes your phone or IP phone recording session right from your web browser, thus limiting the risk of human errors and omissions.
- Provides quick access to major points of interest by reading through the comments left by the office assistant who transcribed the recording.
- Offers the possibility to edit reports right from your web browser.
- Provides access to reports and dictated notes as soon as they are recorded on the server.
Uses a notification system to ensure that nothing goes unnoticed.